The assortment of establishments founded along Lawrenceville's main drag heading back towards Winder/Athens via Hwy 29 holds some of the choicest rotating collections of craft-brews found across the States. Exhibit A(le), named for the owner's daylighting profession as a lawyer, shines a bright light on popular but scarce varieties of beer ranging from sours and saisons to IPAs, stouts, and blends of novel and titivating flavors.
The family operation formalized in 2012 at the original location facing the opposite end of the block. Now catty-corner to the interminably under-construction parking deck,
the minute walk to Exhibit A(le) is perfect for the regulars. Adventurous small town festival goers and footward-bound diners will similarly find refuge in a quiet, chilled ambience for a tete-a-tete to cap, or at least abbreviate their night. Minding our local town ordinace of open containers within the square, be sure to consider a beer to go to not get separated from your copatriots.
Patrons will also be happy to note cans are available as well as wine in select varieties. Being that t-shirts are my thing, it's helpful to have the partnership of Exhibit A(le) due to the founder’s strong brand and conceptual identity. It's another gem embedded in the vibrant scene.
Words and Pictures by IG Short
Art by Jesse Hatchat and IG Short